
Navigating Creditor Harassment: Legal Rights and Solutions

Navigating Creditor Harassment: Legal Rights and Solutions

Creditor harassment can lead to feeling pressured to pay back debt sooner than needed. You may not have to deal with this pressure much longer. There are limits on what creditors can do when it comes to debt collection. Knowing these legal limits and potential legal solutions may help you better navigate creditor harassment. Talk to a Chattanooga bankruptcy attorney for further guidance related to bankruptcy.

What Is Considered Creditor Harassment?

It is first important to separate creditor harassment from legal debt collector practices. Otherwise, you may find yourself in tricky situations. Legal debt collection practices involve contacting you by phone, private messages on social media, texts, emails, or mailed-in letters. However, creditors cannot contact you at any time of the day like late at night unless you give permission to do so.

Creditors cannot contact you at work if you prohibit them from calling your workplace. They cannot call you more than seven times within seven days and cannot continue contacting you after you tell them to stop. More importantly, creditors cannot threaten, pressure, or make exaggerated claims related to collecting your debt.

This is when legal debt collection can turn into creditor harassment. Creditors who pressure or threaten you could be accused of creditor harassment. Using unprofessional language, lying, deception, and unfair treatment may also count as creditor harassment, meaning you might be able to take legal action against them.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires creditors to adhere to certain rules. This means that creditors who harass you can be stopped with the help of a lawyer. Not only can a lawyer help you file a cease-and-desist letter, but a lawyer might be able to help you take further actions like filing a class action lawsuit if needed.

Legal Solutions for Creditor Harassment

You might be wondering what other legal solutions for creditor harassment there are. Other legal options include sending different types of letters other than a cease-and-desist letter. A letter that explains why the debt is not yours might work. However, they may resume debt collection if they can prove this wrong.

Negotiating agreements for new payment plans or discounts can sometimes be helpful but be wary of unfair deals. You have the option to negotiate lower payments or lower the debt by making an extra payment. Lastly, you can file complaints against the creditor with the Federal Trade Commission.

You can also reach out to a lawyer to discuss options related to suing a creditor for harassment. A lawyer can also help you file for bankruptcy and figure out ways that bankruptcy can stop debt collection. Depending on various factors, bankruptcy might be able to stop wage garnishment and other debt collection practices.

Contact Tom Bible Law Today

Dealing with creditors can be stressful. Feel free to call us at Tom Bible Law today at (423) 424-3116 for a consultation about your legal options for escaping creditor harassment. Our legal team of Tennessee bankruptcy lawyers is here to guide you through all your legal options for escaping debt related to bankruptcy. We can be found throughout the Tennessee cities of Chattanooga, Kingsport, and Tullahoma.

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