
What Behaviors Improve Financial Well-Being?

What Behaviors Improve Financial Well-Being? - Tom Bible Law

Certain behaviors and personality attributes seem to improve financial well-being more than others. Finding out which behaviors you can modify or adopt might help you achieve the financial well-being you desire. There are multiple benefits of financial well-being that can lead to long-lasting changes. However, if bankruptcy is disrupting your finances, then consider asking a Chattanooga bankruptcy attorney for help.


Financial well-being is when you feel a healthy level of stress concerning your finances. Healthy stress lets people make smart decisions and maintains healthy finances. Others define financial well-being as the feeling of financial security, consistency, and freedom.

In other words, you are not worried about not affording expenses, and you can use your money flexibly. There is a multitude of benefits to achieving financial well-being. The major benefits of financial well-being are:

  • Greater financial freedom
  • Resistance to unexpected expenses
  • Organized financial plans
  • Better control over your money

One of the most important outcomes of achieving financial well-being is peace of mind. No one likes dealing with financial stress. Having peace of mind with finances can seem impossible at times. However, with the right behaviors, personality attributes, and steps, you might be able to gain financial well-being for yourself.


The behaviors of financial well-being include financial planning, routine money management, financial research, and financial follow-through. Financial planning increases financial well-being by guiding smart financial decisions. Without a plan, someone will not know when they need to save money and when they can spend money.

Financial plans start with financial goals like saving a certain amount of money or paying something off. These goals are broken into smaller steps with deadlines and practical actions to accomplish each step. Routine money management uses financial plans as a guide for when to:

  • Save money
  • Spend money
  • Invest

Money management is best accomplished by tracking monthly spending and then budgeting. This often involves cutting expenses and deciding whether to make the next purchase or not. Financial research can be used to help with these decisions and with financial skills.

Financial follow-through means following through on each of these behaviors. Not following through on financial steps can prevent someone from financial well-being. Maintaining financial well-being is all about long-term financial planning and financial follow-through. Long-term financial planning involves skills like:

  • Patience
  • Budgeting
  • Organization
  • Time-management
  • Thinking ahead of time

Personality traits like patience, self-control, and conscientiousness all help people use these financial behaviors and actions to achieve financial well-being. It takes time to build wealth and escape debt which requires patience and self-control with spending. These are traits that can be learned with practice and committed effort.


Financial well-being can deplete when bankruptcy strikes, but you may not have to go through this alone. Feel free to call us at Tom Bible Law by dialing (423) 690-7712 for a consultation today to figure out your best financial options. Our team of Tennessee bankruptcy lawyers is ready to help you find the best option for bankruptcy. We serve clients in the Tennessee cities of Chattanooga and Tullahoma.